Below is the NOAA rainfall totals map over the next 3 days ending on Monday March 31st. On the left hand side of the map you can see the rain total amounts in INCHES and around 1"-4" of rain is possible during this time.
Below is a map showing the current snow depth across the country. When looking at this map i start to worry about areas across Eastern New York State,Southern Vermont,Southern New Hampshire and the state of Maine. With those areas having 16"+ of snow on the ground with 2"-4" of rain possible this weekend it may lead to Severe Flooding.
This is our map of the areas we think could see the worst of the flooding from the heavy rainfall and snow melt. This first map does not show where flash flooding may happen due to very heavy rainfall amounts.
This map shows where Flash Flooding may happen due to the heavy rainfall and poor drainage.
Please check back in for updates over the weekend. Remember TURN AROUND DON'T DROWN